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Assassin's Creed Wiki
ACO Zezemonekh's corpse

Zezemonekh's corpse

Zezemonekh was an Egyptian nomad who had made camp in an oasis near the village of Siwa, during the reign of Ptolemy XIII.

At some point during Medunamun's tenure as the Oracle of Amun, Zezemonekh wrote a letter to the priest, pleading with him to send hunters to the oasis to elimnate a pack of hyenas that had been a nuisance to him. Before he could send the letter, however, Zezemonekh was attacked and killed by the hyenas, who made the camp their den

Sometime later, in 48 BCE, the Medjay, Bayek of Siwa, came upon the oasis and found Zezemonekh's half-eaten body and letter; he then proceeded to eliminate the hyenas.


