Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

So I was trolling through the challenges on the ACR beta and noticed some stuff.


Returning Abilities[]

Firstly, challenges that applied to abilities outside of the ACR beta, indicating their return in the full game.

  • Charge
  • Mute
  • Hidden Gun (sorry for those people who hate the Gun...)
  • Templar Vision (back to repeatedly punching Christmas trees...)

New Abilities[]

I also noticed a reference to an ability called "Teleport". I'm kind of skeptical about this ability because people already "teleport" when there's lag, so I guess we'll find out what kind of "Teleport" we're gonna be in for when the full game ships out.

New Abilities:

  • Closure
  • Tripwire Bomb
  • Teleport(?)

Game Modes[]

Returning Game Modes[]

Secondly, there were challenges in regards to game modes that weren't in the beta either. So I'm guessing those game modes will also make a return in the full game. Assassinate and Chest Capture are both featured on the challenge lists. Also I found a challenge referring to a game mode that exists neither in the beta nor in Brotherhood.

Returning Game Modes:

  • Wanted
  • Manhunt
  • Chest Capture*
  • Assassinate*
    • May be subject to DLCs... again... :( Though I doubt it because of the challenges explicitly referring to the game mode**.

New Game Modes[]

New Game Modes:

  • Deathmatch
  • Artifact Assault
  • Corruption

Not particularly sure about Corruption but I'm thinking it might be a 6-8 player game with one player as the "Corrupted" and trying to "Corrupt" others... I'm not sure. May be something to do with that though. (May be like Halo's "Infected" game type). The challenge had something to do with being "Corrupted" and Stunning pursuers.

Extra Info[]

More on Corruption[]

Also, one of the developers (Aymar) let slip the word "Infection" when he meant "Corruption", further pushing my idea that it's like Halo's "Infection" game mode in a recent Beta Feedback Podcast with EscoBlades, SHENMUE36, xangiexdx (Subject 17), KriticalRaine, UbiGabe and UbiDiiLite.

That's the link to the video where I heard it. If the link doesn't work search: Assassin's Creed Revelations: MP Beta Feedback Podcast (Part 3) or search TheShenmue36.


Something else cropped up in my mind too. I noticed a challenge called "The Boss". A challenge were a pursuer kills a "Bodyguard". Not too sure whether it's like a "Lure" bonus, or a game mode (like Escort), or an ability (like Decoy). But I'm sure we'll find out soon enough :)
