Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Milky544 Milky544 18 November 2011

Defening the dens

I need some help, please. How do you destroy the greek fire siege engins in revelations? whenever I'm defending my dens I manage the infantry an rifle men easily enough but no matter how many assassins stationed around the roofs and baricades, upgaded and manned, I haave on the road the engine gets through and destroys everything. I have crossbowmwn, riflemen, air asassins, leaders and baricades. how can I desroy the monters. Help with this please.


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Milky544 Milky544 7 January 2011

Shrunken head dillema

Please help me!! i can't for the life of me find a second shrunken head, they are never on t cnto ochi and i have collected all level 3 tresure chests in all of Rome and have only found one. I saw somwhere else on this wiki that the is one in the lateran palace mission, and although i think i have identified it there doesnt seem to be any clear way to get it, its being behind to unscalable gates and in the opposite directin of the mission, so please any help, either on a place i have missed one or on how to get the one on the sixth day mission would be very, very much appreciated.


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