Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

So, it's almost two weeks since the release of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, and I know people who are still on sequence 3... I guess the open-worldness is just too good! XD Anyway, I want to be back on there, so I'll just get on with the Polls.


This Week's Polls

My Poll[]

The Dark Lantern's Poll[]

Question of the Week=[]

"Is there any specific city that was not included in previous Assassin's Creed games that you would have liked to see, regardless of what the developers may have said?" - Asked by The Dark Lantern

Caption Contest=[]

The Pit=[]

It's semi-final time, biches.

Sorry Ezio, Aveline, Connor, and Desmond! You're just not bad-ass enough.

Also, suggest future "Pit" themes in the comments! ^__^

Submit Polls=[]

Have a good idea for a poll, and want it featured in a future Polls? Click here to submit your idea!
