Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki


Shaun Hastings- The next assassin?

Hi guys. This is just one of my opinions I happened to be discussing with my cousin yesterday: what if Shaun Hastings were the next Assassin to play as? That would be great! I mean, in game, he is the only character who is entertaining, he has a great sense of wit, and best of all (in my opinion) he's British! Doesn't anybody want to see how a classic British life is spent? Well now Shaun would be able to show every Assassin out there how a Brit would assassinate someone! Although thinking about it, I would like to to see a Welsh assassin for once. You know how in AC3 one set of characters had an enchanting voice, great brute strength and lots and lots of sheep? (Welsh joke there). Well those characters were the Welsh. Wouldn't you love to…

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