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Stop the Burning of the City was a virtual representation of one of Ezio Auditore da Firenze's genetic memories, relived by Desmond Miles in 2012 through the Animus.


Ezio attempted to save the city of Granada from burning down.


  • Sánchez: War is ended, and a conciliatory King Muhammad is in a meeting with the Queen to discuss terms.
  • Christoffa: Oh, I have been waiting for this moment, Luis! Do you feel it, the tide shifting beneath us?
  • Luis: Patience, Christoffa. It will take some time for Isabella to entertain thoughts of spending money on you.
  • Christoffa: I have been waiting SIX YEARS for an answer from the Queen. If she cannot indulge me now, I will indulge other offers!
  • Luis: Christoffa, don't be foolish. We're close!
  • Christoffa: We've been close for too long, Luis. It's now or never.
  • Luis: Damn him. It's too soon to go begging for money from a war weary monarch.
  • Civilian: Help! We need soldiers! Mobs are trying to burn the city down!
  • Sánchez: Ezio, this is more Templar meddling.

Ezio killed the guards.

  • Sánchez: Wars never end abruptly, do they?
  • Ezio: They never end at all, Sánchez. It just appears that way when the body count is low.
  • Sánchez: You have given us an advantage. And when we secure a mandate for Christoffa's voyage, you will have given us hope as well.
  • Ezio: My understanding is still cloudy. Hope for what exactly?
  • Sánchez: Most men stoke their imagination of what lies beyond the ocean sea with stories of quick routes to Cipango and Cathay... But Christoffa's maps tell another tale, one the Templars know quite well... legends of an intermediate land as large as our own.
  • Ezio: Another continent?
  • Sánchez: A new world, Ezio...


Ezio saved the city by eliminating the Templar agents.


Assassin's Creed II: Discovery memories
Main missions
Memory Block 1
Go to the Thieves' Guild - Find Christoffa - Return to the Thieves' Guild
Memory Block 2
Meet Santángel and Christoffa - Find Christoffa's Atlas - Bring the Atlas to the Harbor
Memory Block 3
Chase the Thief - Find the Assassin's Guild - Escape the Ambush - Assassinate Gaspar Martínez - Rescue the Assassin
Memory Block 4
Find Pedro Llorente - Rescue the Captured Assassins - Rescue the Last Captured Assassin - Assassinate Pedro Llorente - Return to Sánchez
Memory Block 5
Race to the Cygnet - Eliminate the Templar Presence - Save the Civilians - Survive the Ambush - Assassinate the Templar Spy - Report the Spy's Death - Enter Granada City
Memory Block 6
Infiltrate Alhambra Palace - Find King Muhammad - Escape the Tower - Open the Palace Gates - Stop the Burning of the City
Memory Block 7
Protect Civilians from Inquisitors - Assassinate Juan de Marillo - Find Christoffa - Stop the Assassination
Memory Block 8
Rid the Palace of Inquisitors - Rescue Raphael Sánchez - Infiltrate Torquemada's Dwelling - Assassinate Tomás Torquemada
Challenge missions
Challenge 1 - Challenge 2 - Challenge 3 - Challenge 4 - Challenge 5 - Challenge 6 - Challenge 7 - Challenge 8 - Challenge 9 - Challenge 10