Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

FC Slave Ship

An 18th century slave ship

Slave ships were sea-faring vessels whose principal mission was the transportation of imprisoned human slaves. During the 17th and 18th century, slave ships played a significant part in the triangular trade between Europe, Africa and the Caribbean.[1] During this time, the British Royal African Company was one of the largest commissioners of slave ships globally.[2]

Very few vessels ever served exclusively as slave ships, several being former or future naval vessels. Such ships included the frigate Concord,[2] and the Experto Crede, a former merchant brig.[1]

Notable slave ships


  • In Assassin's Creed: Rogue, slave ships are replaced by prisoner-of-war ships that re-uses the HMS Intrigue's model and the flags of the original slave ships. They can be liberated by the main protagonist, Shay Cormac, in a similar matter to how Adéwalé frees the slave ships in Freedom Cry.

