Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Piero de' Medici (1472 – 1503), often called Piero the Unfortunate (Italian: Piero il Fatuo) to distinguish him from his grandfather, was the son of Lorenzo de' Medici and Signore of Florence from 1492 until 1494.


Piero was the son of Lorenzo de' Medici and Clarice Orsini, and older brother of Giovanni. Since his childhood, he was educated to succeed his father as leader of the family and de facto ruler of Florence, under the patronage of notable figures such as Poliziano; however, upon his accession in the wake of Lorenzo's death, he probably had his former teacher murdered through arsenic poisoning.

In 1494, the Medici were ousted by Girolamo Savonarola, who had gained control over Florence using an Apple of Eden. As a result, Piero fled to Venice, where Savonarola's supporters were also attempting to spread their leader's influence.

Irritated at the prospect, Piero stood up to one of these heralds, causing a brawl between him and Savonarola's followers. However, before Piero could be killed by the herald, he was aided by Ezio Auditore da Firenze, a friend of his late father; the pair quickly parted ways again when Ezio embarked to Florence to take down Savonarola's rule.

In late 1503, Piero fought on the French side at the Battle of Garigliano, which saw the Spaniards (counting among their ranks Prospero Colonna, Fabio Orsini and the latter's cousin Bartolomeo d'Alviano) win the day and conquer the Kingdom of Naples. As the French forces retreated, the barge Piero was on capsized and he drowned in the Garigliano river.


  • A database image found inside the files of Assassin's Creed II suggests that Piero was originally set to appear in the game.

