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Knowledge was a virtual representation of one of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's genetic memories, relived by Desmond Miles in 2012 through the Animus.


Altaïr visited the city's Assassin Bureau, and shared the information he had gathered on the Merchant King with the Rafiq.


Altaïr entered the Bureau and was greeted by its Rafiq.

  • Rafiq: Altaïr, my friend! Welcome, welcome! Whose life do you come to collect today?
  • Altaïr: His name is Abu'l Nuqoud. What can you tell me about him?
  • Rafiq: Oh, the Merchant King of Damascus, richest man in the city. Quite exciting, quite dangerous. I envy you, Altaïr. Well, not where you were beaten and stripped of your rank, but I envy everything else! Oh, except for the terrible things the other Assassins say about you! But yes, aside from the failure and the hatred, yes, aside from those things I envy you very much!
  • Altaïr: I do not care what the others think or say. I'm here to do a job. So I ask again - what can you tell me about the Merchant King?
  • Rafiq: Only that he must be a very bad man if Al Mualim has sent you to see him. He keeps to his own kind, wrapped in the finery of the city's Noble District. A busy man, always up to something. I'm sure if you spend some time amongst his type, you'll learn all you need to know about him.
  • Altaïr: And where would you have me begin my search?
  • Rafiq: If I were you, I'd start with the Umayyad Mosque and Souk Sarouja, both of which are west of here. Further to the northwest is Salāḥ ad-Dīn's citadel. It's a popular meeting spot, and has proved a reliable source of loose tongues in the past. Yes, these three places should serve your needs.
  • Altaïr: My thanks for your guidance, Rafiq. I'll return when I've gathered the necessary information.

After gathering all the knowledge he could, Altaïr returned to the Bureau.

  • Rafiq: Peace be upon you, Altaïr. How may I serve you?
  • Altaïr: I've done as asked and learned all I need to know about my prey.
  • Rafiq: Then you must share your knowledge with me.
  • Altaïr: Abu'l Nuquod is corrupt to the core and despised by his own citizens as a result. It appears he's been stealing money meant for the people of Damascus and spending it on himself. Even as we speak, he flaunts his greed preparing for a lavish party. His guards and servants should have their hands full dealing with the guests. They won't even know I'm there.
  • Rafiq: Most impressive, my friend. The others said you'd make a mess of things, but not I, no. I was sure you'd come through and come through you have. The Bureau's yours to do with as you please until you're ready to begin.

The Rafiq placed a feather on the counter, and Altaïr took it.


Altaïr shared his knowledge on Abu'l Nuqoud with the Rafiq, and was given leave to assassinate the target.



Assassin's Creed memories
Memory Block 1
Solomon's Temple
Acquisition - Failure - Guardian - Glory
Memory Block 2
Eavesdropping - Pickpocketing - Interrogation - Knowledge
Pickpocketing - Eavesdropping - Informer Escort - Interrogation - Eavesdropping II - Eavesdropping III - Rooftop Race - Pickpocketing II - Knowledge - Assassination
Memory Block 3
Flag Collection - Interrogation - Pickpocketing - Archer Assassination - Eavesdropping - Stealth Assassination - Knowledge - Assassination
Stealth Assassination - Interrogation - Pickpocketing - Informer Escort - Flag Collection - Eavesdropping - Knowledge - Assassination
Memory Block 4
Interrogation - Eavesdropping - Pickpocketing - Stealth Assassination - Merchant Stand Destruction - Flag Collection - Knowledge - Assassination
Flag Collection - Merchant Stand Destruction - Interrogation - Stealth Assassination - Archer Assassination - Pickpocketing - Knowledge - Assassination
Interrogation - Stealth Assassination - Pickpocketing - Informer Escort - Archer Assassination - Eavesdropping - Knowledge - Assassination
Memory Block 5
Eavesdropping - Pickpocketing - Rooftop Race - Interrogation - Informer Escort - Stealth Assassination - Pickpocketing II - Knowledge - Assassination
Rooftop Race - Eavesdropping - Interrogation - Stealth Assassination - Merchant Stand Destruction - Pickpocketing - Knowledge - Assassination
Memory Block 6
Eavesdropping - Pickpocketing - Interrogation - Stealth Assassination - Archer Assassination - Rooftop Race - Knowledge - Assassination - Assassination II
Memory Block 7