Assassin's Creed Wiki
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"Put obstacles between yourself and your quarry. Never be found by a backwards glance."
―Al Mualim tutoring Altaïr of stealth at investigation.[src]

The Bureau, the starting point of every investigation.


Investigations were tasks that had be performed by Altaïr before an assassination could be sanctioned. They allowed Altaïr to learn of the sins and atrocities performed within the cities of the Holy Land by his 9 targets. Investigating revealed how your targets were taking advantage of their power and influence as the war intensified.

It was while stalking the streets of that particular district most affected, that Altair gained knowledge upon how the people had been suffering due to the ill and selfish acts carried out by these major public figures. Tied into this was also where and when the targets daily routines and personal selfish habits will leave them most vulnerable to a silent public assassination strike.

After immediately making contact with the Assassin's Bureau you will receive directions and advice on where best to begin and carry out your investigation. However, visiting the bureau before the public figure assassination is not necessary, locating the first view point for a district, can save you time when it comes to the cutscene, since you can quickly complete your investigation via syncing each viewpoint and doing the nearby missions before arriving at the Bureau, allowing you to combine two cutscenes into one and make the game flow more smoothly.

Main Investigations


There would be a person with a bit of useful information, be it a map or a letter, that they placed in a pouch around their waist. When Pickpocketing targets were first located, they would be seen talking with another person.


Once at the objective, Altaïr found a bench near the target and sat down. Afterwards, he locked on to the target and eavesdropped.

The camera will then zoom in on the target and anyone they are speaking with, and a short conversation (usually regarding information on an assassination target) will be heard.


To start an Interrogation you need to know who needs interrogating, and in most objectives, you are shown who it is. You normally see them publicly speaking for a short moment, praising Altaïr's current target and then start walking. That's when you target them. Follow your target for a few minutes, keeping your distance. The game recommends you should Interrogate in a secluded place, however if your location is away from guards, with only a few peasants, this is still fine. Once ready to perform a interrogation, make sure you have your Fists equipped. Failure to do so could mean you cut down your target. Once you are ready, start to hit the target. In most cases they will fight back with punches. After four or five punches, the target will cower and kneel down offering you information about your current objective. After the interrogation, Altaïr will end up killing the target. This may attract guards depending on where you're located, so get ready to run and hide if Altaïr killed him in a rather public place. In a secluded area you should be pretty safe from the guards' attention.


Types of Investigations

The PC version adds additional types of Investigations:


Though there are 6 Investigation missions, a minimum of 3 are required to be completed before permission to begin the assassination is given by the Bureau Leader is given. Completing all the available investigations, however, increases the ease with which final kills can be made by giving you significant pieces of information that an incomplete investigation will not necessarily give you, as well as grounding the Assassin more fully in the story.
