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Assassination was a virtual representation of one of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's genetic memories, relived by Desmond Miles in 2012 through the Animus 1.28.


Altaïr attended the execution to assassinate his target, Majd Addin.


Before heading out, Altaïr could enter Malik's chamber.

  • Malik: What news, Altaïr? Do you bring word of Majd Addin's death?
  • Altaïr: No. He still lives.
  • Malik: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you have reason for returning. Be quick about your business, though.
    Lives hang in the balance, brother. Are you sure this is where you should be?
    I'm beginning to wonder if your success with Talal was not some happy accident.
    Do not forget why you have come here, Brother. Find your target and end his life.
    I've told you all I know. The rest is up to you.
    Your target is not here, Altaïr. So why are you?

Altaïr entered the execution plaza and blended with the crowd. Cheers were heard as Majd Addin stepped onto the stage.

  • Majd: Silence! I demand silence! People of Jerusalem, hear me well! I stand here today, to deliver a warning! There are malcontents among you! They sow the seeds of discontent, hoping to lead you astray! Tell me, is that what you desire? To be mired in deceit and sin? To live your lives in fear?
  • Crowd: No! We do not!
  • Majd: Then you wish to take action?
  • Crowd: Yes! We do! Guide us!
  • Majd: Your devotion pleases me. This evil must be purged! Only then can we hope to be redeemed!

Two men that Altaïr eavesdropped on earlier stepped out from the crowd and spoke up.

  • Ahmad: This is not justice!
  • Civilian: You've no right to do that! Who do you think yourself?
  • Ahmad: And all of you stand idle, complacent in this crime!
  • Civilian: God curse you all!

The two men charged the stage, but one was shot by the archers. The other tried to run, but was cut down by a guard shortly after.

Majd Assassination 3

Majd Addin addressing the crowd

  • Majd: See how the evil of one man spreads to corrupt others? They sought to instill fear and doubt within you, but I will keep you safe! Here now, are four filled with sin! The harlot, the thief, the gambler, the heretic! Let God's judgment be brought down upon them all!

The crowd cheered loudly. As Majd Addin turned around to address the first of the prisoners, a supposed prostitute, Altaïr made his way towards the stage.

  • Majd: Temptress. Succubus. Whore! She goes by many names, but her sin remains the same. She turned her back on the teachings... defiled her body to advance her station! Each man she touched... forever stained!
  • Woman: This man speaks lies! I am here today not because I laid down with other men, for I did not! He means to murder me because I would not lay down with him.
  • Majd: Even now, offered redemption, she continues to deceive! She rejects salvation! There is only one way to deal with this!

Majd Addin killed the woman and moved on to the gambler.

  • Gambler: A game of chance condemns me to death? Show me where such a thing is written! It is not sin that corrupts our city, but you!

Majd Addin killed the gambler and moved on to the supposed thief.

  • Majd: This man took what was not his, money, earned through the labor of another. It could have belonged to any of you. And so, you have all been violated. What say you to this?
  • Crowd: Shame! Curse the thief!
  • Man: It was a single dinar found on the ground! He speaks as though I trespassed! As though I ripped it from the hands of another!
  • Majd: Today a dinar, tomorrow a horse, the next day another man's life! The object itself is not of consequence. What matters is that you took what did not belong to you. Were I to allow such behavior, then others would believe it their right to take as well. When would it end?

Majd Addin killed the man and moved on to the Assassin.

  • Majd: He spreads vicious lies and propaganda. Has only murder on his mind. He poisons our thoughts as he poisons his blade. Tides brother against brother, father against son, more dangerous than any enemy we face.
  • Crowd: Kill him!
  • Assassin: Killing me would not make you any safer. I see the fear in your eyes, the quiver in your throat. You are afraid, afraid because you know our message cannot be silenced, because you know we cannot be stopped!

At some point during the execution, Altaïr assassinated Majd Addin.

  • Altaïr: Your work here is finished.
  • Majd: No, no! It had only just begun!
  • Altaïr: Tell me, what's your part in all of this? Do you intend to defend yourself as the others have and explain away your evil deeds?
  • Majd: The Brotherhood wanted the city. I wanted power. There was... an opportunity.
  • Altaïr: An opportunity to murder innocents.
  • Majd: Not so innocent. Dissident voices cut deep as steel. They disrupt order. In this, I do agree with the Brotherhood.
  • Altaïr: You'd kill people simply for believing differently than you.
  • Majd: Of course not! I killed them because I could, because it was fun! Do you know what it feels like, to determine another man's fate? And did you see the way the people cheered? The way they feared me? I was like a God! You'd have done the same if you could. Such power!
  • Altaïr: Once perhaps. But then I learned what becomes of those who lift themselves above others.
  • Majd: And what is that?
  • Altaïr: Here, let me show you.

Altaïr stabbed Majd Addin in the neck with his Hidden Blade, killing him. He then escaped the execution plaza and returned to the Bureau.

Majd Assassination 7

Altaïr presenting bloodstained feather to Malik

  • Altaïr: Jerusalem needs a new ruler.
  • Malik: So I have heard.
  • Altaïr: What's this? No words of wisdom for me? Surely I have failed in some spectacular fashion.
  • Malik: You performed as an Assassin should, no more, no less. That you expect praise for merely doing as told however, troubles me.
  • Altaïr: It seems everything I do troubles you.
  • Malik: Reflect on that. But do so on your way back to Masyaf. Your work here is done.

Altaïr then left the Bureau and headed back to Masyaf, to report to Al Mualim.

  • Al Mualim: Come in, Altaïr. I trust you're well rested, ready for your remaining trials?
  • Altaïr: I am. But I'd speak with you first. I have questions.
  • Al Mualim: Ask then. I'll do my best to answer.
  • Altaïr: The Merchant King of Damascus murdered the nobles who ruled his city. Majd Addin in Jerusalem used fear to force his people into submission. I suspect William meant to murder Richard and hold Acre with his troops. These men were meant to aid their leaders, instead they chose to betray them. What I do not understand is why.
  • Al Mualim: Is the answer not obvious? The Templars desire control. Each man, as you've noted, wanted to claim their cities in the Templar name. That the Templars themselves might rule the Holy Land, and eventually beyond. But they cannot succeed in their mission.
  • Altaïr: Why is that?
  • Al Mualim: Their plans depend upon the Templar treasure, the Piece of Eden. But we hold it now, and they cannot hope to achieve their goals without it.

Al Mualim showing the Apple of Eden to Altaïr

  • Altaïr: What is this treasure?
  • Al Mualim: It is temptation.
  • Altaïr: It's just a piece of silver.
  • Al Mualim: Look at it!

Al Mualim held the Apple of Eden before Altaïr.

  • Altaïr: What am I supposed to see?
  • Al Mualim: This "piece of silver" cast out Adam and Eve. It turned staves into snakes, parted and closed the Red Sea. Eris used it to start the Trojan War, and with it, a poor carpenter turned water into wine.
  • Altaïr: It seems rather plain for all the power you claim it has. How does it work?
  • Al Mualim: He who holds it, commands the hearts and minds of whoever looks upon it. Whoever "tastes" of it, as they say.
  • Altaïr: Then Garnier's men?
  • Al Mualim: An experiment. Herbs used to simulate its effects, to be ready for when they held it.
  • Altaïr: Talal supplied them. Tamir equipped them. They were preparing for something. But what?
  • Al Mualim: War.
  • Altaïr: And the others? The men who ruled the cities, they meant to gather up their people, make them like Garnier's men?
  • Al Mualim: The perfect citizens. The perfect soldiers. A perfect world.
  • Altaïr: Robert de Sablé must never have this back.
  • Al Mualim: So long as he and his brothers live, they will try.
  • Altaïr: Then they must be destroyed.
  • Al Mualim: Which is what I've had you doing. There are two more Templars who require your attention. One in Acre, known as Sibrand. One in Damascus, called Jubair. Visit with the Bureau leaders. They'll instruct you further.

Al Mualim dispatched pigeons to both cities.

  • Altaïr: As you wish.
  • Al Mualim: Be quick about it. No doubt Robert de Sablé is made nervous by our continued success. His remaining followers will do their best to expose you. They know you come, the man in the white hood. They'll be looking for you.
  • Altaïr: They won't find me. I'm but a blade in the crowd.
  • Al Mualim: Here, my gift to you. In gratitude for the good work you've done.


Altaïr assassinated Majd Addin and returned to Masyaf for further instructions.



Assassin's Creed memories
Memory Block 1
Solomon's Temple
Acquisition - Failure - Guardian - Glory
Memory Block 2
Eavesdropping - Pickpocketing - Interrogation - Knowledge
Pickpocketing - Eavesdropping - Informer Escort - Interrogation - Eavesdropping II - Eavesdropping III - Rooftop Race - Pickpocketing II - Knowledge - Assassination
Memory Block 3
Flag Collection - Interrogation - Pickpocketing - Archer Assassination - Eavesdropping - Stealth Assassination - Knowledge - Assassination
Stealth Assassination - Interrogation - Pickpocketing - Informer Escort - Flag Collection - Eavesdropping - Knowledge - Assassination
Memory Block 4
Interrogation - Eavesdropping - Pickpocketing - Stealth Assassination - Merchant Stand Destruction - Flag Collection - Knowledge - Assassination
Flag Collection - Merchant Stand Destruction - Interrogation - Stealth Assassination - Archer Assassination - Pickpocketing - Knowledge - Assassination
Interrogation - Stealth Assassination - Pickpocketing - Informer Escort - Archer Assassination - Eavesdropping - Knowledge - Assassination
Memory Block 5
Eavesdropping - Pickpocketing - Rooftop Race - Interrogation - Informer Escort - Stealth Assassination - Pickpocketing II - Knowledge - Assassination
Rooftop Race - Eavesdropping - Interrogation - Stealth Assassination - Merchant Stand Destruction - Pickpocketing - Knowledge - Assassination
Memory Block 6
Eavesdropping - Pickpocketing - Interrogation - Stealth Assassination - Archer Assassination - Rooftop Race - Knowledge - Assassination - Assassination II
Memory Block 7