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Public Execution was a virtual representation of one of Ratonhnhaké:ton's genetic memories, relived by Desmond Miles in 2012 through the Animus 3.0.


Due to the plotting of Charles Lee and Thomas Hickey, Connor was to be publicly executed, accused of plotting to kill George Washington.

Memory Animus Feedback System[]

  • Escape execution and assassinate Hickey.
  • Walk to the gallows.
  • Assassinate Hickey before he kills Washington.
  • Go to sleep.


  • Guard: Up! Up with ya! I said GET UP! Walk.
  • Prisoner: Bye now!

The guards led Connor out of the prison to a cart, which led him to the execution site.

  • Hickey: Ello Connor. Didn't think I'd miss your goin' away party, did ya? I hear Washington 'imself will be in attendance. Hope nuttin' bad 'appens to him.
  • Connor: You said there'd be a trial!
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Hickey escorting Connor during his execution

  • Hickey: Ah, no trials for traitors, I'm afraid. Lee an' Haytham saw to that. It's straight to the gallows for you!
  • Connor: I will not die today. The same cannot be said for you.
  • Guard: That's enough! Keep moving!

Connor was forced to walk through the crowd towards the gallows while being escorted by Hickey and another guard. Nearly to the gallows, a woman punched Connor and spat on him. Achilles then appeared and shoved her aside before speaking to Connor.

  • Achilles: You are not alone. Only give a cry when you need us...
  • Connor: Forget about me—you need to stop Hickey. He's—
  • Hickey: Up you go! Don't wanna be late, now do we? Ya just had to be a hero, didn't ya? You and Georgie both. Now you'll see what it gets ya: a pine box and l'il else.

Thomas shoved Connor up the gallows steps and positioned him next to the noose. Charles Lee stood at the platform's edge and spoke to the gathering crowd below, pacing as he talked.

  • Lee: Brothers. Sisters. Fellow Patriots. Several days ago we learned of a scheme so vile, so dastardly—that even repeating it now, disturbs my being. The man before you plotted to murder our much beloved General. Indeed. What darkness or madness moved him, none can say. And he himself offers no defense. Shows no remorse. And though we have begged and pleaded with him to share what he knows, he maintains a deadly silence.

He placed a burlap sack over Connor's head.

  • Lee: If the man will not explain himself—if he will not confess and atone—what other option do we have, but this? He sought to send us into the arms of the enemy. And thus, we are compelled by justice to send him from this world. May God have mercy on your soul.

Just as he was being hanged, Connor was cut loose by Achilles, who then handed his tomahawk back to him.

  • Connor: Need... to stop Hickey...
  • Achilles: Go!

Connor pursued and killed Thomas Hickey, who was running towards Washington to murder him.

  • Hickey: Dammit. I thought I'd at least live to see another day. Shame.
  • Connor: I want answers. Why did Johnson try and buy my people's land? Why was Pitcairn targeting Adams and Hancock? What purpose would Washington's murder have served? Why does your order support the British?
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Connor assassinating Hickey

  • Hickey: How should I know? The Templars. Lee. The big man, Haytham. They 'as the money. They 'as the power. That's the reason I threw in with 'em. That's the ONLY reason. Sure, they 'ave some sort of vision, for the future too. I didn't give a damn about any of that. They can sing their songs about mankind and its troubles. They can make their plans and spring their traps, don't bother me none. They paid me so I said yes. Didn't bother to ask who or how or why. Didn't care.
  • Connor: You chose to side with men who would rob us of our humanity simply because it was more profitable?
  • Hickey: Wot else is there? I'm not some blind fool who'd give up all I've got on principle. What IS principle anyway? Can ya bring it to the bank? Don't look at me like that. We're different, you and I! You're just some blind fool who's always chasin' butterflies. Where as I'm the type of guy who likes to have a beer in one hand and a titty in the other. Thing is, boy, I can have what I seek. Had it, even. You? Your hands will always be empty.

Connor found himself surrounded by soldiers from the Continental Army.

  • Putnam: At ease, men! At ease! I said lower your goddamn guns! This man's a hero! The General can be so stubborn sometimes. Piffle, he said, when we warned him something like this would happen! Piffle!

Israel Putnam kicked Thomas' body.

  • Connor: Stop.
  • Putnam: He wanted to kill the Commander. Nearly killed you as well. He was a scoundrel.
  • Connor: But still a man.
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Putnam informing Connor about Washington's escape

  • Putnam: Hmph. You're nothing, if not consistent.
  • Connor: Where is Washington? I need to speak with him.
  • Putnam: Bundled off as soon as your execution went sideways. He's likely on his way back to Philadelphia by now.
  • Connor: Then so am I.
  • Putnam: Something wrong?
  • Connor: He is still in danger. Hickey did not act alone...

Connor followed Achilles through the hallway of Independence Hall.

  • Achilles: It's quite impressive, what you've accomplished.
  • Connor: Is that... a compliment?
  • Achilles: Now don't misconstrue. I'm sure the whole endeavor will end tragically. But to have come this far... Well, it's more than I ever expected.
  • Connor: The people yearned for freedom, but feared to grab hold of it. That fear is gone now.
  • Achilles: Thanks to you.
  • Connor: No. This they did on their own.
  • Achilles: You diminish your role. But you've always been of humble heart.
  • Connor: I do what is right. No more. No less.
  • Achilles: You cannot tell him.
  • Connor: I have to. Otherwise, he will never be safe.
  • Achilles: He is safer not knowing! By planting the seeds of doubt, you threaten to topple his entire endeavor. If Washington is paralyzed, Charles Lee will strike. You'll cause the very thing you aim to prevent. Hunt the Templars, as is your duty... But do not drag these men into it.
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Connor and the Founding Fathers at the Independence Hall

Connor entered the room where the Declaration of Independence was being signed.

  • Hancock: We must now all hang together.
  • Franklin: Yes, we must indeed all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.
  • Adams: You are, once more, our savior.
  • Connor: I must speak with the Commander.
  • Adams: He's gone to try and hold New York. The British intend to take it. I fear we'll need to recall our men from Quebec as well... It's one thing to declare our Independence. Now, my friend, we must make it so.


Connor assassinated Thomas Hickey, temporarily preventing the assassination of George Washington.


  • In Assassin's Creed: Forsaken, the Assassins present at the execution failed to cut Connor's rope, only being able to weaken it. Haytham, who was hidden in the crowd, decided to rescue his son by throwing a dagger at the rope, severing it and allowing Connor to escape.
  • During the cutscene in which Putnam saves Connor from being shot down, two different corpses of Hickey may be shown: the one that Putnam disrespects, and one that Connor killed during gameplay.
  • During the scene of signing the Declaration of Independence, the date shown was mistakenly borrowed from the previous Philadelphia scene in "Conflict Looms", resulting in the display of June 16th, 1775.
  • There are three instances of Connor's Assassin Recruits operating in the background. Stephane Chapheau can be heard assassinating a guard as Connor passes by Washington, Duncan Little can be seen air assassinating a mercenary atop a balcony, and Clipper Wilkinson can be seen in the background during Charles' speech assassinating a guard on a rooftop.



Assassin's Creed III memories
Main memories
Sequence 1
Refresher Course - A Deadly Performance - Journey to the New World
Sequence 2
Welcome to Boston - Johnson's Errand - The Surgeon - The Soldier - Infiltrating Southgate
Sequence 3
Unconvinced - Execution is Everything - The Braddock Expedition
Sequence 4
Hide and Seek - Feathers and Trees - Hunting Lessons - Something to Remember
Sequence 5
A Boorish Man - A Trip to Boston - Boston's Most Wanted - Lying Low - Stop the Presses - The Lost Son's Return - River Rescue - Training Begins - The Hard Way
Sequence 6
On Johnson's Trail - The Angry Chef - The Tea Party - Hostile Negotiations
Sequence 7
The Midnight Ride - Lexington and Concord - Conflict Looms - Battle of Bunker Hill
Sequence 8
Something on the Side - Bridewell Prison - Public Execution
Sequence 9
Missing Supplies - Father and Son - The Foam and the Flames - A Bitter End
Sequence 10
Alternate Methods - Broken Trust - Battle of Monmouth
Sequence 11
Battle of the Chesapeake - Lee's Last Stand
Sequence 12
Laid to Rest - Chasing Lee
Davenport Homestead - Kanatahséton - Evacuation Day
Duncan Little
Gangs - Gangs of Boston
Clipper Wilkinson
Conscription - Martial Law
Deborah 'Dobbie' Carter
Rationing - Hoarding Provisions
Jamie Colley
Smallpox - Protect the Clinic
Jacob Zenger
Martial Law - In the Wolf's Lair
Frontiersman missions
Boy Who Cried Wolf - Finding the Sasquatch - The Haunted Lighthouse - The Headless Horseman - Monster of the Sea - Unidentified Flying Object
Hunting Society
The Man-Eater - Feline Feet - The Patriarch - The Pack Leader - Acute Cat - The Elk Bachelor
Boston Brawlers
The Boston Brawlers - Peter Bunyon - The Sailor - The Smuggler - The Stinger - The Ropebeater - The Merchant - The Tournament
Naval missions
The Chase - The Rescue - French Involvement - Biddle's Hideout
Naval locations
Fort Wolcott - Dead Chest's Treasure - The Ghost Ship - The Mad Doctor's Castle - Oak Island - The Ruins at Cerros
Privateer contracts
Henderson in Distress - Paving the Way - Dread of Night - Troubled Waters - Raiding the Prospector - One of a Kind - Blistering Dawn - A Call for Help - Search for the Somerset - The Sea Wolves - A Midnight Engagement - The Giant and the Storm - Sinking a Secret - The Ghost War, Act 1 - The Ghost War, Act 2
Manor Mysteries, Part 1 - Manor Mysteries, Part 2 - Legacy - Achilles' Painting
Big Dave
Deserter - The Proper Tools - An Eye for Trouble - The Comeback
Godfrey & Terry
Burglar on the Homestead - The Fight - Bowls Beginner
The Whittler's Weapons - Tools of the Trade - Thousand-Pound Idea
Warren & Prudence
Abused - Prudence's Primrose - Happy Expectations - Pig Herder
The Brawler - Norris Goes Courting - Norris Tries Again - Raw Materials
Lyle White
Happy Expectations - Get Me a Doctor! - Slander - Wait Times
Cutting Ties - Silk Errand - The Final Straw
Silent Hunter - White Trophy - Fool Me Once...
Daily Life
Encyclopedia of the Common Man - Room at the Inn - Finding His Flock - The Wedding
Field missions
Modern Tower - The Stadium: MMA Night - Return to Abstergo
Benedict Arnold missions
Traitor in Our Midst - Showing Traitors the Way - A Spy Among Us - Battle of West Point
The Tyranny of King Washington
The Infamy
Awaken - Warn the Village - Sky World Journey - One-Man Wolf Pack - Path of Revenge - Justice Served
The Betrayal
Prison Break - Sky World Journey - Dive Bomb - Consequences - Return to Sender - Man of Mettle - Pieces in Motion - Aquila Unchained - Escape to New York
The Redemption
Dark Waters - Sky World Journey - The Parting of the Blue Sea - Feeding the Masses - One Step at a Time - The Signal - Halls of Injustice - Inevitable Confrontation