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This article is about the memory. You may be looking for the expedition itself.

The Braddock Expedition was a virtual representation of one of Haytham Kenway's genetic memories, relived by Desmond Miles in 2012 through the Animus 3.0.


After having obtained the plans for Edward Braddock's march, Haytham Kenway worked with Kaniehtí:io to ambush the general's patrol.

Memory Animus Feedback System[]

  • Clear the scout camp.
  • Steal a uniform.
  • Find a horse.
  • Join the column.
  • Ride to Braddock's position.


ACIII-BraddockExpedition 3

The group departing from the tavern

Haytham, Thomas Hickey, John Pitcairn, William Johnson, and Benjamin Church were drinking in the Wright Tavern. A drunken Thomas held a mug and recited the last line of a poem.

  • Thomas: On the cold, cold ground.

He threw his mug to the floor. Benjamin raised his hand and John lifted his mug in toasts of support.

  • Benjamin: Hear, hear!

A drunken Redcoat watching the Colonial Templars pushed off from the pillar he was leaning against when he saw Kaniehtí:io enter the tavern. He staggered towards her as she walked to the seated Templars, but she put up a hand indicating she did not want his attention and would stop him if he came closer. She leaned against the back of Haytham's chair and peaked from behind.

  • Kaniehtí:io: Hard at work, I see.

Surprised, Haytham turned in his seat.

  • Haytham: How did you...

Kaniehtí:io chuckled lightly.

  • Kaniehtí:io: It is time. We've set up camp to the north. Meet me there.

She walked back outside. Haytham stood and addressed the group.

  • Haytham: Gentlemen! Let us away.

Haytham and his allies exited the building and rode for the meeting point.

  • Benjamin: First it was too cold. Now it's too god-damned hot!
  • John: And humid too! It's a right swamp, I tell you.
  • William: To say nothing of the mosquitoes.
  • Haytham: Warm weather and bugs are soon to be the least of our worries.
  • Thomas: Wot? Ya mean the Bulldog? Please. We'll be in that one's beef soon enough and onto the next.
  • Benjamin: Where's your boy Lee gone off to?
  • Haytham: Returned to finish out his service under Braddock.
  • Benjamin: I imagine the Bulldog's none too pleased after the stunt we pulled.
  • Haytham: Lee's to spin a tale of my incompetence and beg for forgiveness. He's a way with words—especially when it comes to flattery. I expect he'll be welcomed back with open arms.
  • Benjamin: Which would give us a man inside.
  • Haytham: Precisely.
  • John: Unless you've underestimated our enemy.
  • Haytham: If I have, Charles will sense it first and make his escape. He's more clever than you think.
  • Thomas: When this is done I'm taking a week in New York. It's high time I went 'n' saw the sights.
  • Benjamin: Of empty whiskey bottles and women's breeches, no doubt.
  • Thomas: Heh-heh-heh. What other kinds of sights is worth seein'?
ACIII-BraddockExpedition 4

Kaniehtí:io introducing Haytham to her allies

Haytham and his allies met with Kaniehtí:io and the Native tribesmen.

  • Haytham: I see you've been busy.
  • Kaniehtí:io: All the men are from many different tribes—united in their desire to see Braddock sent away. The Abenaki. The Lenape. The Shawnee.
  • Haytham: And you? Who do you stand for?
  • Kaniehtí:io: Myself.
  • Haytham: What would you have me do?

  • Kaniehtí:io: We will help the others to prepare. Follow.

  • Kaniehtí:io: You will help the others to prepare.[1]
  • Haytham: And my men?
  • Kaniehtí:io: They'll be put to work.
  • She walked off to set the ambush.

    • Kaniehtí:io: Follow.

    Haytham and Kaniehtí:io walked to an Abenaki man.

    • Abenaki man: Arí:sawe [sic] says you are to be trusted...I hope her faith in you is not misplaced.
    • Haytham: What do you require?
    • Abenaki man: There is a cart close by to here I wish to fill with gunpowder. You will help me with this.

    Haytham nodded and the two men left to gather and pile three gunpower barrels each near the wagon. Haytham rejoined Kaniehtí:io and followed her to meet a Shawnee man disguised as a Redcoat near a tree on a hill. He nodded at their arrival.

    • Shawnee man: Hello friend.
    • Haytham: Kaniehtí:io said you'd have work for me.

    The Shawnee man looked at Kaniehtí:io then back at Haytham.

    • Shawnee man: We mean to hide ourselves in the trees and surprise the Bulldog with musket fire from above.

    He motioned with his rifle to the forest behind him.

    • Shawnee man: But the wood are thick with his scouts. You must keep them away from us.
    • Haytham: Lead on.

    He ensured the Shawnee warriors remained undetected by killing two redcoat patrols that marched along the road at the hill's base. Then he followed Kaniehtí:io to the last ambush site. There, he saw their contact and two disguised Lenape beside him. Haytham escorted them across a swamp and returned to the contact to see another false Redcoat with him. Haytham addressed the gunman.

    • Haytham: How might I serve?

    The Lenape man nodded his head at his compatriot, who simply stared ahead but offered no reply, flummoxing Haytham.

    • Haytham: I'm not quite sure I understand. Do you speak English?
    • Lenape man: He speaks no language, because he has no tongue. Your kind took it from him.

    He stepped forward confrontationally to get into Haytham's face.

    • Haytham: For what reason?
    • Lenape man: There was none.

    The two men spared a look at the mute man, his condition clear to them.

    • Lenape man: He needs you to help us cut down those trees to build blockades.

    Haytham, still shocked at the revelation of the brutality inflicted on his Lenape contact, could only give a short nod and a quiet reply.

    • Haytham: Of course.

    He went into the forest and felled a number of trees to be used in barricades. Afterward, he reunited with Kaniehtí:io outside a cabin some distance away. They walked beside its outer wall and talked.

    • Haytham: Everything is in place. I can't wait to see the look on Braddock's face when the trap is sprung.
    • Kaniehtí:io: You take pleasure in this?

    Haytham turned around, incredulous.

    • Haytham: You're the one asked me to help you kill the man!
    • Kaniehtí:io: It does not please me to do so. He is sacrificed so that that land and the people who live on it might be saved. What motivates you? Some past wrongs? A betrayal? Or is it simple the thrill of the hunt?

    Haytham faced front and looked off in thought for a moment, then turned to Kaniehtí:io again.

    • Haytham: You misread me.
    • Kaniehtí:io: Braddock's men will be here soon. We should prepare for their arrival.

    Haytham and Kaniehtí:io crept and hid in the undergrowth to spy on Edward's approaching force from the British Army.

    • Kaniehtí:io: They come.

    George Washington rode next to Edward, who proceeded to lecture him on the reasons for their expedition.

    • George: Everything alright, sir?
    • Edward: Just savoring the moment. No doubt many wonder why it is we've pushed so far west. These are wild lands, as yet untamed and unsettled. But it shall not always be so. In time, our holdings will no longer suffice. And that day is closer than you think. We must ensure that our people have ample room to grow and further prosper. Which means we need more land! The French understand this and endeavor to prevent such growth. They skirt around our territory—erecting forts and forging alliances—awaiting the day that they might strangle us with the noose they've built. This must not come to pass! We must sever the cord and send them back! This is why we ride. To offer them once last chance: The French will leave or they will die!
    ACIII-BraddockExpedition 6

    Haytham and Kaniehtí:io discussing strategy

    • Kaniehtí:io: Now is the time to strike.
    • Haytham: Wait. To scatter the expedition is not enough. We must ensure that Braddock falls. Else he's sure to try again. I will disguise myself as one of his own and make my way to his side. Your ambush will provide the perfect cover for me to deliver the killing blow.

    Haytham went to stealthily take down several soldiers without alarming them.

    • Native 1: We await your signal.
    • Native 2: There, in front of us.
    • Redcoat 1: The wood's too thick. At this rate it'll be days before we reach Duquesne. We should follow the river instead.
    • Redcoat 2: The troop would be exposed there. We must maintain the element of surprise.
    • Redcoat 1: We're near 2,000 men. One scout is all they need to know of us... And then what? Swiftness would serve us better.

    The soldiers were alerted to Haytham's presence.

    • Haytham: Kill them!
    • Redcoat 2: Ambush!

    Haytham and the Native warriors killed the remaining soldiers, before Haytham dressed himself as a Redcoat and rode on a horse towards Braddock's patrol.

    • Redcoat 3: How could anyone call this forest home? It's all mud and bugs and monstrous things...
    • Redcoat 4: Aye. Better we cut it all down. Clear a space for civilization—and not this wild dark.
    • Redcoat 3: No wonder the savages are so filled with fury. I'd be too if I had to live in such a place.
    • Redcoat 4: Don't know why so many refuse to throw in with us. Life in the cities is much more pleasant. Can you imagine? Ground for a mattress. Canopy of leaves for a roof. It's barbaric.
    • Redcoat 5: I'm telling you, we've packed the cart too high! The ground is uneven—its dangers hidden. One false move and the whole thing is sure to fall over...
    • Redcoat 6: With the French pushed back there'll be a lot of opportunities for us up north.
    • Redcoat 7: I hear the beaver pelts they gather fetch a fine price back home.
    • Redcoat 8: Aye—but for all the riches one might claim, the winter waits to take it all away.
    • Redcoat 7: Come now, it can't be that bad. Else the frogs wouldn't have lasted this long.
    • Redcoat 8: Oh—don't you know? King Louis filled the place with whores to keep his men from turning tail.
    • Redcoat 7: What?
    • Redcoat 8: Aye. Loaded up a dozen boats with the finest Paris had to offer. Called 'em the King's Daughters, they did. Sent to warm the men in ways the campfires couldn't.
    • Redcoat 7: I don't believe a word of it. Much as I'd like to...
    • Redcoat 8: If Braddock's mission is successful, we'll get to see for ourselves soon enough. Then we'll know the truth of it.

    Haytham rode over to Edward, who was talking with a pair of his soldiers.

    • Edward: Have served, you mean.
    • Redcoat 9: Sir?
    • Edward: You are grateful to HAVE served.

    He shot one of the soldiers with his pistol.

    • Redcoat 10: General!
    ACIII-BraddockExpedition 8

    Haytham confronting Braddock

    • Edward: I'll not tolerate doubt amongst those I command. Nor sympathy for the enemy. I've no time for insubordination. He paid for his treachery as all traitors must. If we are to win this war against the French... Nay, when we win this war... It will be because men like you obeyed men like me—and did so without hesitation. We must have order amongst our ranks, and a clear chain of command. Leaders and followers. Without such structure, there can be no victory. Am I understood?

    Haytham rode up beside Edward when the single soldier had departed.

    • Haytham: Edward! Not so fun on the other end of the barrel, is it?
    • Redcoat 10: LOOK OUT!

    Daniel Liénard de Beaujeu[2] came charging towards Haytham and Edward, but was shot from his horse by Charles Lee.

    • Charles: Sir.

    Haytham turned at the sound of gunfire and gave a short nod at Charles, then faced front again only to see Edward begin to ride away.

    • Haytham: Where are you off to, Edward...?

    As the Natives and the French began their ambush, Haytham rode off to follow Edward out of the forest, destroying powder carts along the way. A tree fell across the road into the swamps, knocking Edward from his horse. Haytham levelled his pistol at Edward again.

    • Haytham: I never took you for a coward, Edward.
    • Edward: Come on then.

    Washington rode up from behind and shot Haytham's horse in the flank, causing it to fall and pin Haytham's leg under it. Edward stood in apparent victory.

    ACIII-BraddockExpedition 10

    Kaniehtí:io holding Washington down, allowing Haytham to confront Edward

    • Edward: Such arrogance. I always knew it would be the end of you. IS the end of you.

    Kaniehtí:io ran up and tackled Washington from his horse and held a knife to his throat, warning Edward not to come closer lest he die next.

    • Kaniehtí:io: Don't.

    Edward ran off while Haytham extracted himself from under the horse.

    • Kaniehtí:io: Hurry! Before he gets away!

    Washington struggled and punched Kaniehtí:io in the head, temporarily freeing himself, but she quickly recovered and restrained him again.

    • Kaniehtí:io: I SAID GO!

    Washington struggled some more and Kaniehtí:io decided to end it by hitting him in the head with the knife hilt, knocking him unconscious. Haytham chased Edward through the woods.

    • Edward: I don't deserve this! You're a hypocrite, Haytham!
    • Haytham: I'm sorry Edward, but you've forced my hand.
    • Edward: Dammit!

    Haytham stabbed Edward with the Hidden Blade and Edward collapsed to the ground.

    • Edward: Why, Haytham?
    • Haytham: Your death opens a door. It's nothing personal. Well, maybe it is a LITTLE personal. You've been a pain in my arse, after all.
    ACIII-BraddockExpedition 12

    Haytham explaining the reason for Edward's assassination

    • Edward: But we are brothers in arms.
    • Haytham: Once, perhaps. No longer. Do you think I've forgotten what you did? All those innocents slaughtered. And for what? It does not engender peace to cut your way to resolution.
    • Edward: Wrong! Were that we applied the sword more liberally and more often, the world would be a better place than it is today.
    • Haytham: In this instance, I concur. Farewell Edward.

    Haytham stabbed Edward again, silencing him for good, then took Edward's Templar ring from his finger and pocketed it. From there, Haytham and Kaniehtí:io met again after the ambush had ended.

    • Haytham: It's done.

    Kaniehtí:io returned the amulet to him and walked away.

    • Haytham: Now I've upheld my part of the bargain. I expect that you will honor yours?

    Haytham stabbed Edward again, silencing him, then took Edward's Templar ring from his finger and pocketed it. He stood up and motioned over a Redcoat squad.[1]

    • Haytham: You two—get the General back to camp.
    • Redcoat 11: At once, sir.
    • Haytham: The rest of you—fan out and search the area. Whoever did this can't be far.

    He retreated a short distance away and saw Washington approach, having recovered consciousness.

    • George: General!

    A soldier accompanied him and stood as he knelt at Edward's side and checked his vital signs. George looked up at the soldier, surprised and grateful.

    • George: He lives!

    Haytham swore under his breath.

    • Haytham: Dammit!

    He left to meet with Kaniehtí:io again after the ambush had ended.

    • Haytham: It's done.

    Kaniehtí:io returned the amulet to him and walked away.

    • Haytham: You accused me of taking pleasure in this. Of desiring death.

    Kaniehtí:io stopped and faced him again.

    • Haytham: But the alacrity...It's how I make the act acceptable. I detach myself from it and silence the voice of dissent...the voice of morality. I was born to kill, you see. Quite literally. Raised in an order of assassins. Death—it's not simply something that I do...It's who I am.

    He looked aside almost awkwardly to the bushes on the ground and refocused himself.

    • Haytham: But I did not come all this way to reflect and regret.

    He walked to Kaniehtí:io.

    • Haytham: Now I've upheld my part of the bargain. I expect that you will honor yours?

  • Kaniehtí:io: Follow me.
  • The two made their way to a strange wall in a cave filled with equally odd markings. Haytham attempted to open it with the amulet.

    • Haytham: No... No!
    • Kaniehtí:io: You seem disappointed.
    ACIII-BraddockExpedition 15

    Haytham at the entrance of the Grand Temple

    • Haytham: I thought that I held a key that would open something here...
    • Kaniehtí:io: This room is all there is.

    Haytham shook his head in disappointment.

    • Haytham: I expected... more.

    He pointed at the painted pictographs on the cave wall.

    • Haytham: What do they mean?

    Kaniehtí:io circled him and explained the art's story.

    • Kaniehtí:io: It tells the story of Iottsitíson, who came into their world and shaped it for what life might come. She had a hard journey, fraught with great loss and peril. But she believed in her children and what they might achieve. And though she is long gone from the physical world—her eyes still watch over us. Her ears still hear our words. Her hands still guide us. And her love still gives us strength.

    She slipped her hand into Haytham's as she came back around.

    • Haytham: You have shown me great kindness, Ziio. Thank you. I... I should go.

    Before Haytham could leave, Kaniehtí:io kissed him, and the two embraced. Some time later, Haytham returned to the Green Dragon Tavern. Charles looked up from where he sat at the bar when he heard Haytham enter, finished his mug, and walked to greet him.

    Before Haytham could leave, Kaniehtí:io kissed him, and the two embraced.

    • Kaniehtí:io: I am sorry you did not find what you seek.[1]
    Some time later, Haytham returned to the Green Dragon Tavern.

    • Charles: Master Kenway. Did you find it, then?
    • Haytham: It was not the right place.
    • Charles: The others are waiting for you.

    Charles gestured to the stairs and they walked up.

    • Haytham: Gentlemen.

    The Templars began rising from their seats, but Haytham held out a hand motioning to stop.

    • Haytham: Please, sit.

    He walked to the opposite end of the table.

    • Haytham: I fear our "temple" was no more than a painted cave. Although it did contain precursor images and script, which means we are close.
    • Thomas: Not close 'nuff it seems.

    Haytham walked to return where he had stood before.

    • Haytham: We need to redouble our efforts and expand our order, and establish a permanent base here. Although the site eludes us, I am confident we will find it.
    • John: Truth.
    • Benjamin: Hear-hear.
    ACIII-BraddockExpedition 18

    Charles Lee inducted into the Order

    • Haytham: Furthermore, I believe it is time we welcomed Charles into our fold. He has proven himself a loyal disciple—and served unerringly since the day he came to us. He should be able to share in our knowledge and reap all the benefits that such a gift implies. Are any opposed?

    Haytham paused for a brief moment, and Charles looked over the table's occupants, but neither heard any protest.

    • Haytham: Very well. Charles, come, stand.

    Charles moved to stand beside Haytham as the other Templars rose from their seats for the induction ceremony.

    • Haytham: Do you swear to uphold the principles of our order and all that for which we stand?
    • Charles: I do.
    • Haytham: And never to share our secrets nor divulge the true nature of our work?
    • Charles: I do.
    • Haytham: And to do so from now until death—whatever the cost?
    • Charles: I do.

    Haytham put his hands on both of Charles' shoulders.

    • Haytham: Then we welcome you into our fold, brother. Together we will usher in the dawn of a New World. One defined by purpose and order. Give me your hand.

    Haytham gave Charles the ring he took from Edward and put it on Charles' right ring finger.


    Haytham killed Edward Braddock, ending his quest to conquer the lands of the Native American tribes. He also discovered the precursor site he had been looking for, though he was not able to open the door he found there. Furthermore, Charles Lee was inducted into the Templar Order.


    • While riding to Edward's position, George Washington could be seen to glow blue in Eagle Vision, even though he was against Haytham.



    Assassin's Creed III memories
    Main memories
    Sequence 1
    Refresher Course - A Deadly Performance - Journey to the New World
    Sequence 2
    Welcome to Boston - Johnson's Errand - The Surgeon - The Soldier - Infiltrating Southgate
    Sequence 3
    Unconvinced - Execution is Everything - The Braddock Expedition
    Sequence 4
    Hide and Seek - Feathers and Trees - Hunting Lessons - Something to Remember
    Sequence 5
    A Boorish Man - A Trip to Boston - Boston's Most Wanted - Lying Low - Stop the Presses - The Lost Son's Return - River Rescue - Training Begins - The Hard Way
    Sequence 6
    On Johnson's Trail - The Angry Chef - The Tea Party - Hostile Negotiations
    Sequence 7
    The Midnight Ride - Lexington and Concord - Conflict Looms - Battle of Bunker Hill
    Sequence 8
    Something on the Side - Bridewell Prison - Public Execution
    Sequence 9
    Missing Supplies - Father and Son - The Foam and the Flames - A Bitter End
    Sequence 10
    Alternate Methods - Broken Trust - Battle of Monmouth
    Sequence 11
    Battle of the Chesapeake - Lee's Last Stand
    Sequence 12
    Laid to Rest - Chasing Lee
    Davenport Homestead - Kanatahséton - Evacuation Day
    Duncan Little
    Gangs - Gangs of Boston
    Clipper Wilkinson
    Conscription - Martial Law
    Deborah 'Dobbie' Carter
    Rationing - Hoarding Provisions
    Jamie Colley
    Smallpox - Protect the Clinic
    Jacob Zenger
    Martial Law - In the Wolf's Lair
    Frontiersman missions
    Boy Who Cried Wolf - Finding the Sasquatch - The Haunted Lighthouse - The Headless Horseman - Monster of the Sea - Unidentified Flying Object
    Hunting Society
    The Man-Eater - Feline Feet - The Patriarch - The Pack Leader - Acute Cat - The Elk Bachelor
    Boston Brawlers
    The Boston Brawlers - Peter Bunyon - The Sailor - The Smuggler - The Stinger - The Ropebeater - The Merchant - The Tournament
    Naval missions
    The Chase - The Rescue - French Involvement - Biddle's Hideout
    Naval locations
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    Privateer contracts
    Henderson in Distress - Paving the Way - Dread of Night - Troubled Waters - Raiding the Prospector - One of a Kind - Blistering Dawn - A Call for Help - Search for the Somerset - The Sea Wolves - A Midnight Engagement - The Giant and the Storm - Sinking a Secret - The Ghost War, Act 1 - The Ghost War, Act 2
    Manor Mysteries, Part 1 - Manor Mysteries, Part 2 - Legacy - Achilles' Painting
    Big Dave
    Deserter - The Proper Tools - An Eye for Trouble - The Comeback
    Godfrey & Terry
    Burglar on the Homestead - The Fight - Bowls Beginner
    The Whittler's Weapons - Tools of the Trade - Thousand-Pound Idea
    Warren & Prudence
    Abused - Prudence's Primrose - Happy Expectations - Pig Herder
    The Brawler - Norris Goes Courting - Norris Tries Again - Raw Materials
    Lyle White
    Happy Expectations - Get Me a Doctor! - Slander - Wait Times
    Cutting Ties - Silk Errand - The Final Straw
    Silent Hunter - White Trophy - Fool Me Once...
    Daily Life
    Encyclopedia of the Common Man - Room at the Inn - Finding His Flock - The Wedding
    Field missions
    Modern Tower - The Stadium: MMA Night - Return to Abstergo
    Benedict Arnold missions
    Traitor in Our Midst - Showing Traitors the Way - A Spy Among Us - Battle of West Point
    The Tyranny of King Washington
    The Infamy
    Awaken - Warn the Village - Sky World Journey - One-Man Wolf Pack - Path of Revenge - Justice Served
    The Betrayal
    Prison Break - Sky World Journey - Dive Bomb - Consequences - Return to Sender - Man of Mettle - Pieces in Motion - Aquila Unchained - Escape to New York
    The Redemption
    Dark Waters - Sky World Journey - The Parting of the Blue Sea - Feeding the Masses - One Step at a Time - The Signal - Halls of Injustice - Inevitable Confrontation