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"Egyptians call it Faiyum, meaning the lake. The Greeks call it Moris."
―Region description.[src]

Faiyum, also known as Moris to the Greeks, was one of the many regions of Egypt, consisting of the large Lake Moeris, and its shores. The region was home to a cult who worshipped the Egyptian goddess Wadjet, terrorizing the Greeks who resided in the region.


In 48 BCE, the Medjay Bayek of Siwa visited the Faiyum in pursue of the Crocodile, a member of the Order of the Ancients.[1] First arriving in the town of Karanis, Bayek helped the local phylakitai, Epigonos, to investigate a murder at the Sarapeion and eliminate the one responsible.[2]


Hermit locations

Military locations

Papyrus locations


Treasure locations


