Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Assassin's Creed: Utopia

Assassin's Creed: Utopia is a cancelled mobile game on the GREE platform, that would have been available on Android and Apple iOS devices. The game's story would lead into Assassin's Creed III, though there would have been no links in terms of gameplay.[1]

Utopia would have taken place in the 17th century, at the very beginning of the colonization of America, spanning over 150 years, to help players "discover how the Assassins influenced history and helped shape the nation's original thirteen colonies."[2] It was going to focus on the immigrants who traveled to the New World to create their own utopia, away from persecution in Europe. After taking an interest in the time period, in modern times, Abstergo Industries created something they called "Utopia".[3]

The gameplay would have involved "building your own Assassin's Creed Utopian colonial city," and would have more of a "social slant" than any of the earlier games.[3] The Assassins of each colony would take on their enemies in "limited time epic battles," and players would be able to pit their strength against friends in asynchronous 3D brawls.[2]


