Assassin's Creed Wiki
Assassin's Creed Wiki

Holden: "The governor's nervous, sir. Reckons the Grand Vizier Raghib Pasha in Istanbul has it in for him."
Haytham: "I see. And is he right? Does the Grand Vizier have it in for him?"
Holden: "The Grand Vizier called him the 'peasant son of a peasant'."
Haytham: "Sounds like he has got it in for him then."
—Haytham Kenway and Jim Holden discussing As'ad Pasha al-Azm, 1757.[src]

As'ad Pasha al-Azm (1701 – 1758) was the Ottoman governor of Damascus from 1742 to his deposition in 1757.


During his tenure, al-Azm built a large palace called the Qasr al-Azm. In 1757, the Ottoman Grand Vizier Raghib Pasha planned to depose al-Azm, calling him the "peasant son of a peasant". As a result, the unpopular al-Azm grew increasingly paranoid, strengthening security around Damascus and especially the palace. He also began to execute people suspected of being spies plotting against him.

In September of that year, the Templar Haytham Kenway and his assistant Jim Holden travelled to Damascus, intending to rescue the former's sister Jenny, who was a servant for al-Azm. Although they were successful, Holden was captured in the process and was made a eunuch. Eventually, al-Azm himself was captured and executed under Raghib Pasha's orders.

