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The Acqua Vergine is an aqueduct in northern of Campagna District, Rome, Italy. It was built as part of a renovation of its predecessor, the Aqua Virgo, in 1453 by Pope Nicholas V.


Named for the virgin waters flowing through its channels and a myth that thirty Roman soldiers asking for water were led by a beautiful young girl to the source springs, the Acqua Vergine is the most famous water source in Rome.[1]

Its springs provide the Trevi Fountain, the Villa Borghese, the north and south fountains of the Piazza Navona, and the fountains of Piazza del Popolo with their water.[1]

During the Renaissance, it had one broken aqueduct that could be renovated by Architects, provided Ezio Auditore da Firenze paid them to do so.[2]

In 2007, a construction accident halted the Vergene's flow temporarily.[1]



